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How to: Using the Probax Estimator Spreadsheet

The Estimator is designed so MSPs can generate RRP and wholesale pricing across Probax's data protection & licensing solutions.

The latest version of the Estimator is 21 May, 2020 and can be downloaded from within Hive.


The aim of the Estimator is to give MSPs the ability to generate pricing quickly and easily, which in turn leads to time saved and more sales made. Download the Estimator from within Hive or request a copy from your Account Manager.


Always ensure you are working from the latest version of the spreadsheet. To check, click on the 'Check for Update' button, and if your version is older than the version in this article, click the 'Download New Estimator' button.

Estimator Parameters

To generate a quote using the Estimator, first open the spreadsheet and select your current or intended partner tier. You’ll see the monthly minimum spend and discount tier appear. Apart from Flex which is month-by-month, other partner tiers all entail a 12-month contract.

Next, select the applicable region.

Estimator 1


Probax sells Veeam subscription licences at low wholesale rates. Licensed per VM (or physical workstation/server), generating a Veeam licence file is all self-service from our Hive portal. 

  • Licences you provision with Probax do not require monthly reporting
  • MSPs can provision Veeam licences for clients that are not backing up to the Probax cloud

If you are backing up Veeam data to the Probax Cloud, you'll need to factor in Cloud Connect Backup licences. These will be provisioned automatically when the Backup Copy job to Probax is created.

Honeycomb Hot Storage (BaaS)

When creating an estimate for Honeycomb Hot Storage, you'll need to factor in the amount of existing Honeycomb Hot Storage, as well as new storage required, to calculate your wholesale rate based on your total pooled data. RRP pricing is calculated from the new storage amount only.

Honeycomb Cold Storage

Honeycomb Cold Storage pricing needs to be completed on the 2nd sheet of the Estimator. With Honeycomb Cold Storage you have the option to input multiple retention policies or simply one general policy that covers all the customer infrastructure.

You can show RRP & Wholesale or RRP-only pricing (for demonstrating to customers). You'll need to select a time frame for which costs will be displayed. More information is available on the charts below.

Pricing on the Estimator main page is displayed as a monthly average over the first year to maintain consistency with our other monthly pricing structures. This amount may increase in subsequent years if data grows and more retention points are created.

  • Server Name/Policy ID: Identify your retention policy
  • Backup Size (GB): The initial hot storage storage amount
  • Est. Monthly Growth (GB): How fast will your backups grow over time?
  • Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly restore points: Rolling restore points that will be retained for the specified period

Honeycomb Archive Storage is not available on Flex Tier subscriptions

Office 365 Backup & Archive

Rates for Office 365 Backup & Archive are calculated per mailbox (Exchange) or per user (SharePoint/OneDrive). You can choose to back up Exchange Only or SharePoint/OneDrive Only, or a bundle containing all services. 

When backing up SharePoint sites, you are required to select OneDrive backup for all users with access to the site.

Dropbox Backup & Archive

Rates for Dropbox Backup & Archive are calculated per user. You must back up all users in the Dropbox Team. Backups will encapsulate all Team and Member data. 

Second Colony (DRaaS)

Second Colony quotes are priced per VM, with Veeam Cloud Connect DR, RAM, CPU & HDD all included in the single fee cost.

When failed over, active resource use is charged by the day.

Public IPs are also necessary in the case of full failover and will be set up as part of the failover plan.

Each VM receives a RAM/CPU/HDD allocation which is pooled together. If requirements exceed the allocation, you can add additional VM units. 


Select data centre cross-connect if your client requires a private link to Probax's rack. You'll need to arrange the cross-connect through their ISP. Probax port fees apply.

Managed Data Protection Services (MDPS)

Gain a competitive advantage without the footprint by outsourcing your data protection services offering to experts who can deliver you scalability and help accelerate your revenue growth. 

Select the desired quantity of VMs/Services to manage and the priority level & testing schedule. MDPS is currently available for BaaS, DRaaS, O365 and Dropbox. 

Professional Services and Training

Probax's engineers are available for professional services engagements to help with larger scale deployments or technical team training.



After entering all required item types and quantities, scroll down to the monthly price breakdown and total monthly spend. All prices are monthly and exclude GST unless specified otherwise.

Keep in mind, the estimated costs provided by Probax are for discussion purposes only and are not binding on either you or Probax. Your actual fees may be lower or higher than the estimate due to factors like data growth or deduplication rates. We can provide you with a more specific breakdown of fees upon signup and after a proof of concept has been conducted.