How to: Set Honeycomb Storage Quota Size (MSP Level & Customer Level)

Learn how to set and adjust storage quotas for your MSP and customer accounts

Probax offers a flexible pooled pricing model for Honeycomb Hot Storage (BaaS) and Honeycomb Cold Storage (AaaS) that enables MSPs to provision the amount of storage they need and then divide among customers, whether they require 20 GB or 20 TB. 

Probax now has the capability to assist you managing your Honeycomb Hot and Cold Storage with assisted integration of Hive and ConnectWise. Head to the following article to learn more about linking your ConnectWise account into Hive:
ConnectWise Integration in Hive

Setting your storage quota

MSP Level Setup

  1. Navigate to your MSP account from the 'Accounts' view, designated by the '(My Account)' tab:
    1. Click on Billing in the action menu:
    2. Locate the Honeycomb Hot Storage line item, then click on the edit icon on the right hand side.
    3. Select a new quota. Note: you cannot downgrade below current usage.

    Customer Level Setup

    Setting customer storage quotas is optional and does not affect your MSP billing. Customer storage quotas can be set in increments of 100 GB and will allow correct RRP billing rate or the hot storage line item to be displayed in the customer's account.

    1. Navigate to a customer account from the 'Accounts' view
      1. Click on Billing in the action menu
      2. Locate the Honeycomb Hot Storage line item, then click on the edit icon on the right hand side.
      3. Select a new quota. Note: You cannot downgrade below current usage.

      Honeycomb storage quota FAQ:

      Can I provision xxx GB/TB hot storage?

      • Hot storage is available in increments of 100 GB, 250 GB, 500 GB, 750 GB, 1 TB and upwards in increments of 1 TB. Your storage quota will be rounded up to the nearest increment.

      Why do I need to set a storage quota?

      • Hot storage you provision is reserved for your MSP if Probax's storage nodes ever reach full capacity. We never oversubscribe our storage. 

      What happens if I exceed the set quota?

      • If MSP or customer storage required exceeds the set quota, you will receive an alert. Replication to Probax will continue as normal.

      Do I need to manually adjust the quota if it is exceeded?

      • If the storage provisioned to your MSP account exceeds the storage quota on invoice date, your quota will be automatically adjusted and rounded up to the nearest increment

      Do I need to manually adjust the quota if storage use decreases?

      • If your storage use decreases, you can manually adjust your quota via the methods below.