This KB article provides step-by-step instructions on how to adjust Veeam Agent for Windows (VAW) job settings using MSP Backup.
Adjust VAW job settings using MSP Backup:
Log in to MSP Backup and access the customer account from which you want to adjust the VAW settings.
- Once logged into the account, open the Scout module next to the resource for which you're looking to modify:
With the View Scout window open, you can modify two key settings:
Restore Points:
- This setting determines how long backup files are stored in the target location.
- You have five options: 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days (default).
- Backup Start Time:
- The VAW job will automatically run every day at this specified time.
- The default setting is Daily at 6:00 PM Local Time.
These adjustments can be made to optimize your backup schedule and retention policy according to your specific needs.